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15 results:

Pippa Fairhead

I worked extensively in the not-for-profit sector with children and young people for approximately 15 years.This included working in formal and non-formal education settings. Prior to this my work…

Liz Bingham

Life can feel tough and overwhelming sometimes. In our busy world it can be hard to find the space and time to think your thoughts and make sense of your feelings. As a qualified counsellor I…

Emma Robotham-Tame

My psychotherapeutic training is in Transactional Analysis, a model that I believe helps people to understand why we think, feel, and behave the way we do, supporting them in making positive…


Patrick Brook I offer psychotherapy, counselling and supervision on the following basis: Once, twice or three times per week at regular time slots. Individual: a £65 fee which lasts for 50…

Helen Lee (she/her)

Looking to better understand yourself, change difficult thoughts, feelings, relationships or behaviour? Perhaps you’re going through major life transitions? My passion is working with people…